Working Papers

The Career Effects of Union Membership | R&R at American Economic Review

Union membership raises the wages of younger workers but protects older workers from layoffs better. The marginal union member makes use of public transfer systems at far lower rates, saving the government money.

Labor Market Competition and Its Effect on Firms and Local Communitie | Reject & Resubmit at American Economic Review

Labor market competition leads to higher real worker earnings, lower firm productivity, firm closer, greater inequality, population loss, and changes in political sentiments in communities affected by it.

How Do Firms Respond to Unions? | Reject & Resubmit at Quarterly Journal of Economics

Firms respond to unions by raising prices, reallocating inputs from smaller to larger firms, and shifting product market power.

The Dynamics of Power in Labor Markets: Monopolistic Unions versus Monopsonistic Employers | Resubmission in preparation at Review of Economic Studies

Union density mitigates the negative earnings effects of employer market concentration. Unionization benefits white collar and above-median workers at the firm most in more competitive markets.

The Role of Labor Unions in Immigrant Integration

Union membership disproportionately benefits natives, which increases gaps between immigrants and natives.

Making Reference-Dependent Preferences: Evidence from Door-to-Door Sales

Workers exhibit reference-dependent labor supply around expectations. Their expectations are based upon optimizing long-run objectives at lump-sum bonuses paid by the firm.

The Place-Based Turn in Federal Policy, 1990-2015 | R&R at Social Forces

The federal government spent over $360 billion from 1990-2015 on place-based policies. Areas with more disadvantage, more segregation, and more non-profit capacity received more of these funds.

Seniors' Home Equity Extraction: Credit Constraints and Borrowing Channels

We explore how seniors' home equity borrowing responds to house price changes during times of tight vs loose underwriting. We also compare reverse mortgages to forward mortgages.

What are the Perceived Barriers to Homeownership for Young Adults?

Perceptions of housing affordability among young adults are more strongly determined by individual financial circumstances than by market conditions.